Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Dress

I was waiting to see if anyone else was going to post about this. That dress. No, I'm not even going to post a picture of it. One morning I innocently checked my phone as I turned off my alarm and saw four friends (without hardly scrolling at all!) on my Facebook news feed had posted about this dress that apparently is sending America into hysterics. Because some people see it as blue and black, and some people see it as white and gold. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It all depends on the exposure/lighting of the picture. If it's bluish lighting, the dress is white and gold, if it's heavy exposure, it's blue and black. I can see both. No one is right or wrong (although, the owner of that dress should probably come forward at this point just to put everyone at ease). It's probably one of the most pointless mass trends I've seen on the internet to date. I just have to wonder... who even decides the stuff that goes viral?


  1. Haha this was a huge deal with people at work yesterday! Somehow it spread so fast. But you are very right, who decides? And why did it catch?

  2. Sometimes I think the things that matter very little catch on because they are something easy to get hyped up about without there being too much conflict or thought. If we devoted the same time to things of greater import a lot more good could be accomplished in the world, but perhaps at a greater cost? Who knows, this is all conjecture and on the spot thinking for me...

  3. I don't think anyone decides what goes viral... it just does. It is an interesting phenomena though that people actually see different colors. I think it is actually kind of cool that people can see the same exact picture so differently. It makes me think what things will look like in Heaven. And they did post another picture of the dress. It is dark blue and black. Even though, from the original all I see is white and gold. There's an episode of "Brain Games" where they talk about stuff like this. Here is part of it

  4. It really was so crazy how fast it caught on. I was like overnight it became this huge thing that everyone was obsessed with.
